




1. full name is Ikorou Mikuma.

2. You may refer to me as "iko" or "ikorou."

3. Nicknames such as iko-san, iko-kun, iko-chan, kuya, ate, ikkun and other variables that you may come up with are welcome.

* - "iko-san" is a personal favourite.*
* - Embarrasingly but undeniably, "iko-sama" is also.*


– INFO –


He / Him.

birthday (age)

April, 2006. (Seventeen.)


Tagalog, English, Japanese (少しだけど)

– socials –

Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram

Note: ikorou's Instagram is purely an art account but will post cosplays in stories and highlights.

what you'll see

- twt: open tweeting about anime, vtubers, jdrama and jpop. Fan art, fan-written threads on characters or pairings. ( + general tweets)
- ttk: cosplay.
- ig: art by ikorou.

- likes -

  • Animanga: slice of life, mafia, bl, romcom.

  • Vtubers: nijisanji, eipro livers

  • Music: rock, alt, folk, citypop, etc.

  • Fashion: street fashion.

  • Cosplay: casual, closet, animanga, vtubers


- Dislikes -

  • Idk.. plain tofu?

  • Forceful people, those who complain a lot

  • Cherries ? What do people put in their dislikes..

- Do Not Interact If... -

  • Purely Nsfw. ( or please put a warning )

  • Below 14.

  • Glorifies irresponsible alcohol intake or drug intake.

  • Hyper-parasocial. (Believing you are in or can acquire a relationship with a Streamer/Creator/Musician, etc.)

  • Rude and disrespectful.

  • You make people feel stupid for what they like/being hyper.

  • Fit the dni criteria. (Homophobic, ableist, sexist, racist, etc.)

  • Involved in twitter drama.

NOTE: ikorou will block and unfollow accounts easily. It's nothing personal.